
Monday, May 18, 2009

2. Yahoo! MP3 Player

A Song for You!

May 18, 2009 Planets Go Round the Sun

I thought I'd go ahead and post a song for everyone to try. I wrote the chorus and came up with a tune more geared to older kids, but the rest of the lyrics were found on and were written by Meish Goldish. You can listen to this song by clicking on the music player above this post. Feel free to send comments to

Chorus: With a round, round, go around, the planets go around the sun

With a round, round, go around, the planets go around the sun

Mercury is hot
And Mercury is small.
Mercury has no atmosphere.
It's just a rocky ball.


Venus has thick clouds
That hide what is below
The air is foul, the ground is hot,
It rotates very slow.


We love the Earth, our home,
Its oceans and its trees.
We eat its food, we breathe its air,
So no pollution, please.


Mars is very red.
It's also dry and cold
Someday you might visit Mars
If you are really bold.


Jupiter is big.
We've studies it a lot.
We found that it has 16 moons
And a big red spot.


Saturn has great rings.
We wondered what they were.
Now we know they're icy rocks
Which we saw as a blur.


Uranus and Neptune
We don't know much about
Uranus looks blue and green to us and Neptune has a frozen moon.


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