
Monday, June 8, 2009

Girl Power!

Have you ever heard of Rett Syndrome?

I recently came across a great website about Rett Syndrome and the search for a cure. Rett Syndrome is a debilitating neurological disorder that predominantly affects females. It is considered the most severe form of autism. Most girls with Rett Syndrome cannot speak, walk or use their hands. It is estimated that another little girl is born with Rett Syndrome every 90 minutes. There is hope and scientists are researching for a cure!

***Please check out

"Girl Power 2 Cure, Inc is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and
funds for treatments and a cure for Rett Syndrome. We are all about harnessing the
spirit of girls as volunteers, as mentors, and as a power of positive change in their
communities in support of their fellow girlfriends who are suffering from Rett Syndrome."

It is a great site to find out more information about Rett Syndrome. While you're there, have a listen to some great songs at You can even find activities to use with the songs on this site - and of course you'll want to buy the Girl Power CD and try the activities out for yourself!).

Happy Listening!

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