
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

$$$ Dollars $$$

Basic skills are something many students work on for the majority of their school careers. Many students I work with are learning to identify coins and money.

I wrote this song to help students learn to identify different kinds of paper money.
While writing the words to this song, I was trying to come up with a way to teach the different dollar bills, but also keeping in mind that some of the students I work with might not be able to recognize the presidents on each dollar bill, or participate in making change for different dollar bills. I decided to keep it simple for this song and then I plan to add to it with one or two more advanced versions of this song.

Hope you enjoy it!
<a href="">Dollars by More with Music</a>

$1, $5, 10 and 20,
50 and $100-all are money.
Dollars and long, dollars are green,
they feel like paper too.
Look in the corners of each dollar,
and it's number will be shown to you.

This dollar bill has number one in the corners you see.
That's why it's called a one dollar bill.

This dollar bill has number five in the corners you see.
That's why it's called a five dollar bill.


This dollar bill has number 10 in the corners you see.
That's why it's called a ten dollar bill.

This dollar bill has the number 20 in the corners you see.
That's why it's called a twenty dollar bill.


This dollar bill has the number 50 in the corners you see.
That's why it's called a fifty dollar bill.

This dollar bill has the number 100 in the corners you see.
That's why it's called a one hundred dollar bill.

© 2010 Amanda Ellis

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