Here's a song for a winter theme!
Lot of students study snowmen around this time of year.
Some of the classrooms I work with are studying parts of a face with the snowmen, and clothing items the snowman might also wear.
A few ideas for incorporating this song into activities:
1) Make a Snowman file folder game. On the inside left of the folder, put clothing items for the snowman attached with velcro and parts of the face items also. For fun, give several choices of types of hat, scarf, etc. so kids really choose how they want snowman to look. On the inside right of the folder, have a nice big (blank) snowman all ready to design.
2) Get a stuffed Snowman toy and as you sing this song, point out the features/clothing as it is introduced. Have students touch each item that is introduced in the song. Then ask questions, "Where is the hat?" "Where is the scarf? "What will the snowman smell things with?"
3) Use this song as you do the Snowman activity on www.starfall.com You will be able to ask students, "Which hat do you want to put on the snowman?", etc.
4) For nonverbal students to participate, use a Step by Step switch (voice output device that can be programmed for multiple turns/answers), and program each different verse, "...a hat on my head you'd see", then "..two arms at my sides you'd see."
5) Make a plain white snowman out of bulletin board paper to hang up in your class. Pass out pictures (preferably laminated picture cards that can be reused again), of clothing items and parts of face for snowman to students. Sing song, and as each item is called, allow students come up to place it on large snowman. You could use double sticky tape or velcro to attach items to snowman.
**For all you crafty, talented folks out there, check out how to make your own snowman visual at www.theartfulcrafter.com/pillow-snowman.html
Here are the lyrics:
Oh I wish I was a snowman.
That is what I'd really like to be.
For if I was a great big snowman...
1. a hat on my head you'd see
2. arms at my sides you'd see
3. a scarf around my neck you'd see
4. eyes I would have to see
5. a nose on my face you'd see
6. a mouth I would use to sing
7. I would like you to play with me!
It looks like we might be getting a little bit of snow here in NC. Hope you all are staying warm wherever you are!
Hope you are having a great week!
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