
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tell me, Show me

It's a cold and rainy day here in NC. Schools are back in session after a snowy and icy weekend.

I recently received an email from a very nice lady named Shelly, who wrote to me from her home in the UK. She asked for a song that would help motivate her students to make choices (of rhythm instruments, favorite songs, games) in the classroom.

This song could be used for many settings (school, home, therapy). Initially, I started writing it to focus on what rhythm instrument a child might want to play. But then I thought about it, and decided to make it more about a child choosing something he/she wants to play. It could be a rhythm instrument, a toy, a book, a ball, a sensory toy, etc.

<a href="">Tell me, Show me by More with Music</a>

Here are the lyrics. I hope you are having a great week!

Tell me, Show me
What would you like to play today?
Tell me, Show me
What would you like to play?

Can you tell me with your words?
Tell me what you'd like to play today.

Can you tell me with your pictures?
Show me which one you want to play today.

Can you tell me with your eyes?
Look at the one you'd like to play today.

Tell me, Show me.
What would you like to play today?
Tell me or show me.
What would you like to play?

© 2010 Amanda Ellis

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