
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Community Helpers

Here's a song about Community Helpers.

I put this one together using a variety of poems and other simple songs that I found on various websites. This one will only be used for educational purposes and feel free to download it for FREE also!

My first goal when working on this song was to come up with a repetitive chorus/tag line that nonverbal students could "sing" with a Big Mac switch. So, after much web surfing, I came up with the chorus, "All around our community, people are helping you and me." This is the repetitive line which students will sing after each community helper is introduced in the song.

This song could easily be used for higher functioning groups and regular ed primary classrooms. I have found that students more readily participate in singing when there is a repetitive tag line or chorus that they can quickly learn.

In this song, the following community helpers are introduced: Firefighter, Policeman, Teacher, Mailman, and Doctor.

I have plans to add more community helpers verses in this song, but for now, here it is!

<a href="">Community Helpers by More with Music</a>


  1. Hey! I'm an MT-BC in California and I'm happy to have found your blog. It seems like a good resource. I like it! The Community Helpers song is fun.

  2. Thanks! Glad you found it and thanks for stopping by!

  3. thanks! The song is nice!

  4. thank you for the song! I just used it in my unit! :)

  5. Thanks for this! I work w/ pre-k and the repetive lines really help the students to participate and remember the song better. We are talking about community helpers this week, and I just downloaded your song to use as my main song for the week. I love that it's simply your voice and guitar and not too over the top. And as a teacher w/ limited funds, I am especially GRATEFUL for the price tag! ;) THANKS!

  6. Thank you Ellen for leaving such a nice comment! I appreciate your purchase! Let me know if you need any other songs for other topics! :)

  7. What a beautiful song. It will perfect in my K/1 class' Neighbourhood Show. Thank you so much for sharing your talents:)

  8. Love the song. I will be using it for a unit plan. Thank you for making it available to others :)

  9. Thanks! So glad you like the song! I love singing this one too! :)

  10. Love your album. Keep doing what your doing. Great job. Nicole

  11. this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I am an English teacher and with your permission I will use this song in my class! Our next topic is "Jobs and Professions" and this song is perfect! My kids enjoy learning and singing songs! I am sure that they will love it as much as I already do! You do a fantastic job!

