
Monday, March 8, 2010

Wash Your Hands

Sometimes we take certain practices for granted. Washing hands is one of those practices we do several times each day. Washing hands is a very important thing for students to learn. The practice of washing hands not only helps keep students' hands clean, but also prevents germs from spreading to additional students, teachers and therapists too!

For many students, learning each step involved in the whole process is a great place to start. The second step is to sequence all those steps in the correct order and then carryout each step of washing their hands. Many students follow a picture schedule to cue them to complete each step.

I hope your week is off to a great start and don't forget to wash your hands! :)

<a href="">Wash Your Hands by More with Music</a>

Washing our hands is something we do everyday.
When our hands are dirty, we wash the dirt away.
After we use the bathroom, and before we eat our food,
We have to wash our hands. It's something we do.

First turn on the water, and get your hands wet.
Next, put some soap on your hands and rub it all around.
Then rinse the soap off, with the water you see.
Don't forget to turn off the water. Save some for you and me.
Then get a paper towel. It's time to dry your hands.
When you're finished with your paper towel, put it in the trashcan.

Washing our hands is something we do everyday.
When our hands are dirty, we wash the dirt away.
After we use the bathroom, and before we eat our food,
We have to wash our hands. It's something we do.

© 2010 Amanda Ellis

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