
Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Song for Easter!

Easter is just 3 days away and I wanted to share a song I put together for this special day!
Easter has many meanings and representations, but let's face it - Easter is a really fun holiday for kids too! Kids really love decorating Easter eggs, having Easter egg hunts, Easter baskets filled with candy and treats, and friends and family surrounding them.

I found the idea and first few lyrics for this song on a preschool site online. I then tweaked the ending and added the different kinds of candy at the end.

I used this song in three different elementary classroom sessions today (I serve classrooms with children who have severe/profound developmental disabilities). The kids loved it and a lot of them were very involved in choosing what kind of candy they liked.

I designed a power point with a picture of an empty Easter basket on it. After the song is sung the first time, students are asked the question, "What kind of candy do you like?"or "Which type of candy would you put in the basket?" The students then take turns choosing what kinds of candy they like (via picture) and then we drag each picture of each type of candy to go "in" the basket (power point slide is presented on a Promethean board, but could also work on a Smart board).

It's really interesting to observe the students and especially their responses. I observed this song/activity to be very motivating to some students (in terms of participation and communication), due to the fact that the topic was candy. Several students were very intent on their choices and knew exactly which candy they wanted to choose.

<a href="">Easter Bunny, Easter Bunny by More with Music</a>


Easter Bunny, Easter Bunny,
Pink and White
Come fill my basket
with candy that I like.

Chocolate and Skittles
Cadbury Eggs,
Sweet tarts and Jellybeans
and Marshmallow Peeps.

So, this song is free and I hope you find it to be a good one to use around the Easter holiday.

I'd love to hear of your experiences and/or comments about the song!

Feel free to contact me at


  1. Amanda, love your songs and so do the kids :) Kim @ WHR
