
Monday, April 5, 2010

Three types of Rocks

Here's a song about Rocks.

This song could be used to help introduce and learn about the three types of rocks: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic. The definitions of each are simple and easy to grasp for the youngest learners.

When using this song, I pair each description with a visual picture of each type of rock. Real examples of different kinds of rocks are very helpful also! Many students retain information well with real life examples. They can see them, touch them, and compare them.

So, here it is, and stay tuned for a song about Lava later this week!

<a href="">Three Types of Rocks by More with Music</a>

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda, Just found your blog for the first time! Love it! Sometimes I work with babies and toddlers, and now I know where to go for some good, quick songs. Thanks for the resource.
