
Monday, April 12, 2010

Hey, Hi, Hello!


I hope your Monday was a good one!

I wanted to post another song I've been working on. I warn's a catchy one!

I love listening to the song, "Soul Sister" by Train. I love how it's upbeat and catchy and how it puts me in a good mood when I hear it. It is definitely one of those songs you energetically sing along with as it plays on the radio.

Every time I heard this song on the radio, I thought to myself, "I want to use this song so the students will get to feel this catchy tune and really feel this song." So, I worked on this over a period of two weeks and decided to use the tune for a song about saying "Hello", and help teach students different times during each day that we say hello.

So, here it is, and I hope you like it.

<a href="">Hey, Hi, Hello by More with Music</a>


Hey, Hi and Hello
are words we use to greet each day. (Repeat)

We say Hey, to our teachers and our friends each day.
We say Hi, to the students that we see in our hallways.
We say Hello to people when we meet them too.

Hey, Hi and Hello
are words we use to greet each day. (Repeat)

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I love this chord progression and melody too. I'll learn it though my head phones and sing it at work as soon as I can. Thanks for something new!
