
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

12 Months in a Year

Summer is almost over and it's back to school time!

The calendar is an important teaching topic of many classrooms throughout the year. The calendar tells us the months of the year, important holidays and birthdays, and the beginnings and endings of each of the four seasons. At school, teachers also use calendars to note student's birthdays, school breaks and closings and special events in the classroom/school. At home, parents often note family birthdays, special trips, doctor's appointments,etc. on calendars as well.

Well, the song I want to share today is a introductory song about calendars. It's short and was written to teach that there are 12 months in each year, to introduce the names of each month, and to help students visualize that the calendar represents one year.

So, without further delay, here it is!

<a href="">Twelve Months in a Year by More with Music</a>


Round and round the calendar we go.
Round and round the year.
Round and round the calendar we go,
and we know there's 12 months in a year.

January, February, March, April, May,
Then there's June and July.
August, September, October and November,
Then December and the New Year rolls by.

Round and round the calendar we go.
Round and round the year.
Round and round the calendar we go,
and we know there's 12 months in a year.
Yes we know, there's 12 months in a year.

I'd love to hear what you think. Please send an email to with any comments. Also, if you have a friend/family member that you think would enjoy this song, look down below and click on email and this post can be emailed to a friend/family member's email! Technology is just too cool!
Have a great day!

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