
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Everybody, Everybody Play Along

Hello! Shocking but true-a new blog post on More with Music!

Sorry for the longs breaks in between posts this summer.

I have been staying busy with work and other summer activities and taking a little break from recording songs each night. I have a bunch of songs I've been working on here and there. Hopefully I will get them recorded and share them soon as the school year quickly approaches.

Today's post was inspired by another blog writer, Rachel Rambach, who is a fellow music therapist I correspond with online. You can learn more about her, her amazing songs, and music therapy activities here.

So, the inspiration for this song began when I heard Rachel performing "Everybody" by Ingrid Michaelson on her ukelele. It is such a nice song by itself and Rachel did a great job with it as well. As I listened to her sing the song, I kept thinking it would be a great song to use in group music therapy sessions. The phrase, "Everybody, everybody..." instantly became my focus and I worked for the next day or so writing lyrics to fit a play along type song. I'm still tweaking it here and there, but I wanted to share the draft version.

This song first encourages everyone to play along together, and then it focuses on individual rhythm instruments children chose to play that day. It's a great song to work on group participation, turn taking, etc.

I'd love to hear what you think!

<a href="">Everybody, Everybody Play Along by More with Music</a>

Until next time, have a great week!

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