
Monday, January 17, 2011


You know when you read the title above, many of you will think of the tune we heard at the Winter Olympics last year. Well, that's exactly why I chose it!

I wrote this song to assist several teachers teaching about Canada. Warning: it is a wee bit long! However, I hope you will find the quality (and quantity) good!

I purposely came up with a chorus so that the students would have a designated part to sing (whether verbal or via a switch like a Big Mac, or other voice output device). For nonverbal students, I prepare the switch ahead of time and record the chorus on it.

Of course, I created a power point to display visuals of everything the song talks about. I also imported the same pictures I found on google images for my power point into Boardmaker, and made picture cards and laminated them for the teachers to use as well. I really like to use the GoTalk 4 size for laminated picture cards because I work in several classrooms where the students have visual deficits.

Anyhow, here it is and if you'd like a copy of the lyrics, just shoot me an email:

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