
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wonderful Websites

It's Wednesday, and it's time for another Wonderful Website!
Today's website involves lots of music, and many different styles!

There are many similar websites like the one I'm recommending today, but this is a fairly popular one, so I decided to go with it.

The website is Pandora.

What is Pandora?

Pandora is an online radio station with gazillions of "stations" you can choose, so that you only listen to the music, artist, and/or style of music you choose.

You can listen to your chosen stations on the web, at home, or on the go. All you need to do is go to the website and set up a free account with your email and a password. Then start selecting music you like!

How do I use Pandora?

The answer is two-fold actually.

I have a personal account where I choose my own personal favorites,etc., but I also help teachers set up Pandora accounts for their classrooms.

There are a great assortment of artists on Pandora. I highly recommend classical music played at a low, audible volume during the day in classsrooms. This could be whenever students are doing "seat work" or working on completing an assignment, and direct instruction is not taking place. I have found it helps calm and focus the students and helps avoid mind wandering and distraction.

So far, I've had lots of great feedback from the teachers using Pandora in their classrooms a couple of times each day.

What other online radio stations do you use?

As always, thanks for stopping by!

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