
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Big and Small

Welcome back!

Today's song is about sizes: Big and Small.

At times it can be challenging to teach sizes to children. I find that using visuals and having plenty of repetition in sorting sizes works well. I put this song together at the request of a teacher. I also created a visual to go along with the song so that the students can see the sizes of things we are comparing.

If at all possible, I think it is best to use real objects when teaching big and small. It makes it so much easier in the long run. It's also nice if you find visual examples that are very different in size. Small should seem really tiny and Big should seem ginormous (I just learned that word last week! :) )

They lyrics are posted below.

Some things are big. Some things are small.
We're learning sizes: Big and small.

I see a bean. A bean is very small.
Oh a bean is small, you see.
Then a watermelon comes along. It's a big one, you see.
Oh the watermelon is big, you see.
I see a fish. He's a teeny tiny fish.
Oh the fish is small, you see.
Then a whale swims along. He's a big one, you see.
The whale is big, you see.
I see a marble. It's small and round.
Oh the marble is small, you see.
Then a ball rolls along. It's a big one, you see.
Oh, the ball is big to me.

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