
Sunday, April 17, 2011

How a bill becomes a Law

Happy Monday and thanks for stopping by!

Today's song post is geared for middle or high school students who are learning about government. More specifically, how a bill becomes a law.

When I wrote this song, I decided to leave some details out.


When working with students with various special needs and cognitive deficits, I often have to adapt topics and write songs that reflect the big idea of that topic. Nitty gritty details often become too wordy and the students will not retain alot of that information.

Instead, I try to simplify the topic as much as possible and then represent steps and/or key vocabulary words with pictures to help "tell the story".

So,with that said, here's How a bill becomes a Law.

If any of you are interested in the visuals that I created to go along with this song, feel free to email me at

Have a great day!

Bills are made into laws,
after several steps, you see.
Our government has a process by which laws are made for you and me.

It starts with an idea-an idea you think of in your head.
You send your idea to Congress, where a member of Congress researches your idea.

A member of Congress writes down your idea.
Once it is written, it is called a bill.

This bill is put in a box, called a hopper, and then debated and voted on by one of the chambers of Congress.

Once the bill is passed by one chamber of Congress, it's passed onto the second chamber, you see.

The bill is debated and voted on again, and if passed, goes directly to the President of the United States in Washington D.C.

If the President doesn't pass the bill, it's called a veto.
If he passes the bill then it becomes a law, which is a rule we have to follow-you and me.

Bills are made into laws
after several steps, you see.
Our government has a process by which laws are made for you and me.

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