
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

When Summer come it's Hot, Hot, Hot!

Summer weather is here, even if the first official day of summer is June 21st!

A blog reader emailed and asked if I had any songs about summer and the weather, summer activities,etc.. So, I will share this song that I have shared before, just in case any of you out there have not heard it yet.

I use this song at the end of the school year as well as at the beginning of the school year (up until the first day of the Fall season). It's catchy and the verbal students almost instantly catch onto the repeating phrase, "It's Hot, Hot, Hot!". For nonverbal students, I use a voice output device so they can also sing along on the repetitive phrase.

It's a great song to use if you want to prompt discussion about summer and ask students questions about their summer plans, summer safety, upcoming vacations,etc..

When Summer comes there's lots of sun.
It's hot, hot, hot. (Repeat)

Time for sunscreen and sunglasses.
It's hot, hot, hot.
Time for popsicles and ice cream too.
It's hot, hot, hot.

Time for finding seashells by the seashore.
It's hot, hot, hot.
Time for swimming, fishing, sailing and more.
It's hot, hot, hot.
Oh, it's hot, hot, hot.

When Summer comes there's lots of sun.
It's hot, hot, hot.
When Summer comes there's lots of sun.
It's hot, hot, hot.
It's hot, hot,hot.

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