
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hi, Ho, It's music time you know!

Hi Ho!
Here's a song that you can use with groups that have a variety of ages. I think this song would be more ideal and appropriate for younger children, but I can think of a couple of ways it could be adapted to fit older groups as well.

The tune of this song is a well known tune from the movie Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.
When writing/adapting the lyrics for this song, my goal was to come up with a song that I could use to get a group of children listening and at the same time, moving in different ways. I call it an action song.

Towards the end of the song, I purposely have everyone sitting down on the ground, so that the transition into the next activity/song is a little easier.

What other actions would you add to this song?

What songs do you like to use to get everyone moving in your sessions?

Feel free to leave a comment below, and if you would like the lyrics to this song, please email me at

Have a great day!

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