
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Having a Conversation

For some children and adolescents with developmental delays (and other various special needs), having a conversation with someone can be a very complex task.

In order to have a conversation with someone, you have to understand numerous social skills. You have to understand turn taking, attending to and paying attention to what someone else is saying. You also need to be able to comprehend what the person is saying, talking about,etc..

I have had this song in my head for about a month now, and I finally decided to put it into action and hear how it would sound! I think the end product is good, and this song could definitely be personalized for individual children and their particular goals (speech goals, social skill phrases,etc.).

In music therapy sessions, I would definitely slow down the tempo when practicing the conversation parts of this song with students.

So, without further delay, here it is and I will post the song sheet for this song tomorrow.

I hope your week is off to a great start! Be sure to come back soon! :)

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