
Friday, August 12, 2011


What is PS22?

PS22 is the name of an AMAZING chorus directed by Gregg Breinberg, and composed of 60-70 fifth-graders from a public school in Staten Island, New York (Public School 22). This choir has been singing and performing since the year 2000 and has already performed with an amazingly long list of major music artists!

PS22 is the largest elementary school in Staten Island which draws students from a wide cross section of ethnic groups and socio-economic levels.

The chorus has become a bonafide internet sensation over the last few years, and after you see some of their videos and hear them, you'll understand why!

I guarantee you will be blown away by the chorus itself, but while you're watching, be sure to observe how many students are actively engaged in the music and singing, how many students are singing whole-heartedly, and how much this chorus means to them!

They are truly an awesome chorus in my opinion and music is definitely a universal language for them. I'm posting two of their many songs they have sung. They are so good I couldn't just post one!

You can find more of their songs and videos on youtube. Just search PS22 chorus.
You can also find out current info and the latest news about PS22 on their blog here.

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Awesome! I love the expressions on the girls faces in the audience for Eye of the TIger. :) It's so great to see them giving in to the music.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more Laura! If you watch the kids, you can see how much the music means to them! :)
