
Sunday, October 23, 2011

We say, "Boo!"

I'm sure you guessed from the title already, but today's post is about Halloween!
As of today, the countdown is on with only 7 days left to plan your perfect costume!
I just realized that that means there are only a few days left to buy candy for all the ghosts and goblins as well!

I really like Halloween as a holiday, but I also like to keep it friendly and fun. I definitely stay away from scary themes.

One song I like to use in particular for Halloween is Hap Palmer's, Witches Brew. If you haven't heard this song yet, trust me-it's an oldie, but a goody!

Another song I wrote last year is "We say Boo!"
You can easily use a voice output device with this song for the word "Boo!" for students who are nonverbal or that have speech delays. The more spirited you say "Boo!" the more they get into it!

This song also mentions things we do on Halloween like wearing a costume, going trick or treating, collecting candy, etc.. It is especially helpful for students with autism if you talk about, sing about, and look at pictures/videos of upcoming holidays and/or events and share with them what happens during these events. It lets them know what to expect and what people do before and during these events.

As always, if you would like a song sheet complete with lyrics and guitar chords for this song, just send an email to

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great song! Love the melody!

  2. Thanks, Ashley! I really think the minor key makes it sound more like a Halloween song.
    Thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. i just emailed you! I love this song! It's perfect for the population i'm working with!
