
Monday, January 9, 2012

I Dress for the Weather

Welcome back!
It's winter, but it doesn't feel like it everyday here. Some days are cooler than others, but we've had only a few really cold days.
Even though our outdoor temperatures don't always cooperate, we're still singing about Winter and cold around here.
Awhile back, I shared a song entitled, I Dress for the Weather. It's a song about clothing you wear in the winter to help you to stay warm. You can have a listen to it below.
<a href="">I dress for the Weather by More with Music</a>

I'm also sharing a visual I made via Windows movie maker.
I create windows movies for most of the songs I use in classrooms so that the teachers have the support when I'm not physically in the classroom different days/times,etc.. This provides the teachers with many opportunities to provide repetition for the students and give them more exposure to the songs.
I mainly use various images I find on Google images for my visuals, so these windows movies are used for educational purposes only.

I hope you had a great Monday! I'm excited about the upcoming 3-day weekend myself!
Be sure to stop back soon!

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