
Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Ears

Welcome back to More with Music!
 Today I'm sharing a windows movie I just finished this week. I was so happy with the way it turned out. :)
 The song on the movie is "My Ears" and I wrote it for a classroom I'm working with who is learning about the 5 senses. In addition to writing the song, I wanted to have actual sounds that the students could relate to in their home and school environments. The students loved the sounds!
 So, without further delay, here's the windows movie. Be patient-sometimes it takes a few moments to get going. :)

Stay tuned later this week for the song, My Ears, which will be available for purchase for only $0.99!
Have a great weekend!


  1. This is so nice. You have so many great songs.

    1. Thanks! I really enjoyed adding the real sound effects to this song. :)
