
Monday, July 2, 2012

I have 2 ears

Welcome back to More with Music!

Summer is off to a good start and I have several upcoming posts that I'm working on.

I've been busy taking a break (very, very busy :) ), organizing my songs into albums and reorganizing some of my songs and visual resources for the new common core standards for school.

But, today, I'm sharing a song about one of the five senses:  our ears

Awhile back, I posted a windows movie featuring this song complete with sound effects.  Today I'm posting the song in its original form.

I like to use this song in both forms-with and without sound effects.

When I use this song without the sound effects, I ask the students to make the sound effects.  For nonverbal students, these sounds can quickly be put on voice output devices (BigMacs, GoTalks, and other switches), so that these students can readily participate as well.

When teachers use the windows movie with the sound effects, it has worked out well to have students identify the sounds they are hearing via pictures (a lot like instrument bingo games).

So, here it is, "I Have 2 Ears".

If you would like a song sheet complete with lyrics and chords for this song, just send me an email to

Stay tuned for more songs posts and have a great day!

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