
Monday, August 6, 2012

The Back to School Batch, part 3

Welcome back to More with Music!

Today's post is another song featured in The Back to School Batch album.  If you missed the other two recent song posts, just scroll down and you will see them and the song sheets as well.

Bus Safety is a song I wrote last year that was incorporated into many morning circle times and morning group times in the K-2 classrooms I work within.  One of the teachers I work with explained that her kids love singing "The Wheels on the Bus", and wondered if I could incorporate that song with some of the bus safety rules she was trying to teach her students.  So, I used "The Wheels on the Bus" tune, and added additional lyrics to teach each bus safety rule.

Here's the song:

Stay tuned for additional songs from The Back to School Batch this week!  I will also be posting the song sheet for the Bus Safety song tomorrow.

Have a great week!


  1. Hi Amanda, we used this song today in our Speech and OT group for two groups of kids that we work with who have Autism. All of our kids were mesmerized by the song. I can't wait to use more of your songs (I also used your suggestion for the boardmaker pictures and put them in a power point to go along with the worked out great...thank you!)

  2. I'm so glad the song was a success for your groups! That's awesome! I love pairing the vocabulary from my songs with visuals, especially Boardmaker pictures.
    I also make up as many actions to this one as I can to get the students watching, copying, participating,etc.. It's amazing how quickly they learn with repetition!
    My actions are:
    Listen to the driver-touch ear or cup hand to ear as if listening for something
    Stay in seat-point to chair (by your sides at hip level)
    Hands to ourselves-place both hands facing out in front of you, then pat them on your lap
    Quiet voice-pointer finger in front of lips "shh"

    I'm so glad the students loved it! :)
