
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Back to School Batch, part 5

Welcome back to More with Music!

The school year is well on it's way and we're nearing the end of the first week.

It's so good to see all the students as they return, and to begin to get to know the new students that have moved here and/or started school this year.

I have a few more posts to share that are part of  The Back to School Batch.

So far, I've shared the following songs that are part of the Back to School Batch:

Good Morning
7 days in a week
Bus Safety
Book Awareness

Today I'll be adding another song to that list:  Safety Signs.

Safety signs are important and students see them all around town.  Whether students are bus riders, car riders, or even bike riders, safety signs are everywhere, and can help keep us safe.

In order to follow the safety signs, teachers must first teach the meanings of each sign and the symbols shown on each one.  This song addresses several commonly used safety signs and their meanings.

Stay tuned for the songs sheet for Safety Signs later this week.

Have a great day!

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