
Monday, May 13, 2013

Our Wants

Welcome back to More with Music!

My last post was about the four basic things humans need in order to survive.
Today's post will be about wants.

After students learned the four basic needs, I introduced this song to them.  The students were very engaged as I showed them different pictures of toys, candy, stuffed animals, instruments, and games.  These categories are all mentioned in the song.

I also incorporated sign language with this song.  We all signed "I want" along with the song at the beginning of each verse.  After singing the song and showing my visuals, I went around the group and asked each student to tell me something they would want.  It was very interesting to hear their answers.  This was also a great way to encourage students to answer questions and speak in full sentences (i.e. "What do you want?" "I want legos.").

So, without further delay, the song is below.  I'd love to hear what you think!

Thanks for stopping by and check back soon for more song posts!

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