
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What would you buy?

Welcome back to More with Music!

My three most  recent song posts featured songs about our needs and wants.  Today I will be sharing a song that fits within those topics.  What do we all need to purchase our needs and/or wants???  Money!

I wrote this song this year for students in the kindergarten through 5th grade classrooms I work within.  They really liked it!  It's very catchy and some of the students request it as "the money song".  :)

I used visual aids with this song to show different stores and asked the students, "What would you buy at the book store?", or "What would you buy at the grocery store?"  Many of the students identified the store fronts on the pictures and were very engaged when sharing what they buy (or their parents buy) at the different stores.

When singing this song with the students, I used egg shakers.  Each student was given a shaker and I modeled "Shake slow" and "Shake fast".  On each verse of the song where it sings about a store, we shake slow and find the beat.  When the chorus is sung ("You need money, money,etc..), we shake fast.  They really like shaking fast, trust me!

Isn't it catchy?  :)  This song is also a great song to sing and warm up the students to talk about money and in particular coin values. How could you use this song?
As always, thanks for stopping by and check back soon.  With summer quickly approaching, I'll have more time to post! :)

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