
Friday, June 28, 2013

In Case of an Emergency...

Welcome back to More with Music!

I'm working my way through my list of songs that I want to share.  Many of the songs were written and recorded this past school year and I'm so glad I have the time over summer break to share them with all of the readers here!

The song post for today has to do with emergencies.  There are so many things parents and teachers try to teach students about emergencies.  There are also so many (too many actually!), different kinds of emergencies.  While there are basic safety rules to follow during emergencies, many parents and teachers teach students early on to use a phone and dial 9-1-1.

Dialing 9-1-1 is precisely what today's song is all about!  The main idea of the song (which is repeated) is the phone number itself.  I also included other details and instructions associated with calling 9-1-1.
The instructions include:
Stay with the injured person
Tell the operator your name
Tell the operator your address (where you are)
Follow directions
Listen closely
Stay calm
Don't hang up-stay on the line

I hope you have a great weekend and stop back soon!

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