
Monday, August 17, 2015

Getting back on the bus

Summer is officially over for me.  Today is my first day back at school.
While I love what I do, I have to be honest and admit I don't miss the busy schedule of coming and going as a music therapist and working mom during the summertime.  Free time is a great thing to have and appreciate!

Next week the students will return to school and many of them will be riding the bus.  I wrote lyrics for a song about bus safety a few years ago.  The song follows the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus".  For many students with special needs (which is the population I serve), simple and easy to follow rules are needed.  These rules also need to be reviewed daily in order for the students to have retention of the rules. I also pair each rule with a picture to further represent the rules.  What better way than to sing the rules?  :)

So today as I "get back on the bus," I'm reposting the Bus Safety song.
Check back soon for additional posts! :)

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