
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
I hope all of you had a restful break and a Merry Christmas.
It's a new year and I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for all of us!
I'm hitting the ground running and getting a blog post up before I head back to work tomorrow morning.

Today's song share is a simple one.  A teacher I work with requested that I come up with a song to help her students observe the rule that clothes, socks and shoes remain on during the school day.  She was getting tired of verbally redirecting the students and thought a song would be more effective as a reminder.   (She has a creative bunch this year...they may be little, but a couple of them are streakers, there are a handful of shoe launchers and a few of the others really like to go barefoot.)  :)

So, in light of all this potential energy on a day to day basis, I decided to keep it simple and write a piggyback song.  I recorded new lyrics to the tune of "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes".  This way, we can still incorporate the actions of touching each lyric mentioned in the song as we sing it.  (And you can't really do the action of touching your shirt, pants, etc.. if you don't keep them on ;).  As you'll hear in the song below, I start out slower and gradually increase the speed each time.  Kids love to go faster so I thought this would help keep their attention also.

I'm excited to see how the kids react to this song, (and if it helps them keep their clothes on at school!) :)

As always, thanks for stopping by and reading my blog posts.  I hope they are helpful to you in one way or another.

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