
Monday, October 3, 2016

Shaping Behavior

How many of you remember the golden rule?
It goes something like this:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
If all of the students we work with did just that, life would be amazingly easy!
Many students that I work with in the public school setting are working on impulse control.  This looks different from classroom to classroom, because it includes verbal, nonverbal, physical and social and emotional behaviors.

Today I'm sharing a song that helps remind students to think about their behavior.
This includes anything they may say or do.  I've been singing this song the past two weeks with students and they quickly learned the song lyrics.  A lot of the students are also able to pair sign language to key words in the song (I sign the following key words: think, speak, do, want, them and you).

What other behaviors do you shape through songs?
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

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