
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Back to School Grind

It's almost time to go back to school!

Every year around this time, parents and students start their back to school shopping.  The new school calendar goes up on the fridge.  It's time for new school clothes and shoes.  Open house nights are just around the corner and mom and dad start creeping back the bedtimes as well.

For some students, it's an exciting time.  However, there are some students that really prefer the relaxed schedule of summer.  They thrive on all the attention given by mom and dad, grandma and other extended family members who are close to them.  They wish they could go back to that week of vacation where they got to see and do so many fun things.

For these students in particular, the back to school grind is challenging.  It takes awhile for them to get back into the swing of things.

What can you do to help these students?  I like to use music as a motivator.
I wrote the song, "It's Time to Work" precisely for this time of year (as well as anytime there is a long break from school).

You can sing this song, sign this song ( I sign the words "time" "to" and "work" when introducing this song to students).  You can also get the group up to dance to this song.  With older students, you can also have a discussion with them about work that is hard for them, frustration, how to handle those situations, etc..

The song is catchy, it's fun and hopefully will motivate a student or two to recognize it's time to work!

What are some of your go-to back to school motivating strategies?

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